A. Nordfeldt

Outside right for IFK Göteborg 1911

1 season, 1 game and 0 goals

A. Nordfeldt

Win percentage: 0%
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It is not known where A. Nordfeldt was born, but he was given a chance in the first team and made his IFK Göteborg debut in the 1911 season, which was also the debut season of team mate John Karlsson-Nottorp. He has spent one season with the IFK Göteborgs first team, and during his career he played in 1 first team game.
It's worth noting that the statistics for players who had their debut ahead of the 1920 season is, or could be, incomplete.

Statistics per season

SeasonLeagueSvenska cupenFriendliesOthers Total
1911001 / 001 / 0

Other statistics

Win percentage 0%

Statistics per type of game

Games Goals Goal avg.

1 game and 0 goals in the database

Date Game ResultGame typePositionGoalsAssists
1911-04-23IFK Göteborg – Göteborgs FFL 1–2 (2–0)FriendlyOutside right00