Arne Andersson

Goalkeeper for IFK Göteborg 1950/51

1 season, 1 game and 0 goals

Arne Andersson

Nickname: Lill-Arne
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It is not known where Arne "Lill-Arne" Andersson was born, but he was given a chance in the first team and made his IFK Göteborg debut in the 1950/51 season, which was also the debut season of team mate Bengt Berndtsson. He has spent one season with the IFK Göteborgs first team, and during his career he played in 1 first team game.

Statistics per season

SeasonLeagueSvenska cupenFriendliesOthers Total
1950/51001 / 001 / 0

Statistics per type of game

Games Goals Goal avg.